It's Not Who You Are Underneath, It's What You Do That Defines You

The news of a cancer diagnosis is never welcome, but may be even more unexpected and difficult when the disease is diagnosed to a child or adolescent. Although cancer is much less common among children compared to adults, according to one non-government organization’s research, approximately 1 in 285 children will be diagnosed with the disease before the age of 20. While advances in treatment have increased the survival rate for many childhood cancers, the disease is still the second leading cause of death (following accidents) in children ages 5-14. Today is International Childhood Cancer Day – a day in which the strength, courage and resiliency of children with cancer and their families are celebrated. Our blog will always fight to raise the awareness among the people and governments worldwide to commit in winning the fight against childhood cancer. 

Children with cancer continue to lose their battles, in low and middle-income countries, due to the fact that programs for early detection, treatment and know-how are simply not available.  This, despite the fact that simple deliverable such as early warning signs are available and it has already been proven that by adapting treatment regimens in wealthier countries, the gap in cure rates would close. What are we waiting for? Thousands of lives can be saved if we act now! 

Today we all have to support the Macedonian non-governmental organization for fight against childhood cancer, “Peperutka”, by putting the gold ribbon as a profile picture on the blog page in honor of supporting the children treated on oncology, who have defeated the disease, and all the children who have lost the battle with cancer.  

And remember, as H. Jackson Brown JR. would say: “Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.”  

Look at vibe to look your best!

… E    


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