Let's Orange UR World...

Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls and the 16 Days of Activism against Gender- Based Violence occur at a critical juncture for efforts to end violence against women and girls. This is a very important subject to talk about because I believe that ending violence against women and girls and gender equality are one of the greatest challenges of 21st century. As I write this I am getting so emotional and at the same time so defied as a female, reading all this statistics from UN agencies and civil organizations. Violence against women and girls happens everywhere: in every country, at every level of society. Every day millions of women and girls face the horror of rape, sexual assault, domestic violence. Part of them might be our sisters, friends, colleagues, at some point of their lives. That horrified me. Did you know that across the globe 60 million girls are sexually assaulted on their way to school each year, and according to recent UNICEF report, around 120 million girls worldwide have experienced forced sexual acts?      

I’m not writing this just to show you some numbers, but to acknowledge that this problem still exists, all around us, and I know you know it. I know it too. We’re just too lazy to act and we’re always turning our head round it. So next time you hear or see this kind of problem ACT, write about it, speak loud, DO something. The individual becomes mass when everyone starts to believe that the problem can be solved and they’re acting against it. The mass gets global by gathering individual experiences who act against the violence. Everyone have a role to play in the community: politicians, civil organizations, men, boys, religious leaders, teachers, police officers but the most important role have parents. They are the brick builders of their children’s respect for human rights and meaning of gender equality. 

And what can WE do: Educate public about discrimination, promote gender equality, and promote women’s empowerment, making sure that the voice of the victims is heard by everyone who can make a change. And we all have to start to BELIEVE

I believe in women’s emancipation, I believe that women can be smarter than this problem and can fight for their rights and identity. I believe that women can be equal to men, I believe that girls can be equal to boys. When I was a little girl, I had male as well as female friends. I was happy playing with anyone and any toys, I was not playing only with the girls. I was part of the girls as well as the boy’s gangs. Today, I’m proud woman knowing that I am equal to all the men in the world. But I made this happened by positioning myself equal to all the boys and I always fought for my rights when someone tried to take that feeling away from me. And yes, I think equality is a feeling. And you have to find it in yourself. Sooner you feel it, it’s better for the world: One case less to fight for.   

We all have to make some sacrifice to give a better opportunities not only for ourselves, but for our daughters, and learn how to become a force for justice and CHANGE. So no more ignorance. No more. 

Look at vibe to look your best!

… E  


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